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If You Feel, that It Came Earlier this Year than Usual, Welcome to the Club.

If You Feel, that It Came Earlier this Year than Usual, Welcome to the Club.

Have you ever wondered what you can actually do with the MultiSport Card? Everyone surely knows that with this card, you can visit gyms, wellness centers, saunas and a whole range of other sports and relaxation facilities. But did you know that thanks to it, you can even visit castles and châteaus, or gain access to interesting discounts? Autumn didn’t take long to arrive, it skipped all the September attempts at an Indian Summer and immediately released a crowd of darkened rainy days when the temperature barely crosses ten degrees making it even harder to motivate oneself to work out. After all, many of us set out for a morning run while it’s still dark. Instead of sophisticated devices for counting steps, measuring heart rate and recording running routes using GPS coordinates, it feels better to pack a headlamp, a down jacket and a thermos at least with tea. In a nutshell, it seems that the outdoor sports season is inevitably coming to an end. Find out all the activities you can do with the MultiSport Card.

But the weather won’t catch us off guard. Because We at MultiSport know that the MultiSport Card is a buddy for all kinds of weather and we can fully replace almost all outdoor activities. At least until the Sun starts warming up our running routes, swimming pools, and outdoor gyms again.

We Would Like to Help You Find Inspiration for Every Type of Activity You Can Think of.

Do you miss running? Look for a suitable cardio zone!

Do you love swimming? Just choose one of the pools or aqua parks.

But the wide range of options definitely doesn’t end there. For example, thanks to the ” TOP Summer”, we found out that our MultiSportians enjoy going on trips. That’s why we offer selected castles and châteaus on the MultiSport Card all year long!

If you don’t know what to do, just take a look at our sports facilities map. You’ll surely find your favorite activity there and maybe you’ll also find the courage to finally try something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time.

But if there comes a day during autumn and winter when you really don’t feel like leaving your home, we still have good news for you. On the My MultiSport platform, you’ll find an endless amount of online videos for your home workouts. Both children and adults can enjoy a full-fledged workout in the comfort of their own living room. In addition, you can pick up a lot of enticing rewards here:

Autumn and the subsequent winter often bring a certain dose of pessimism and a feeling that everything nice is ending. But all you have to do is realize that these periods bring enticing activities like ice skating! MultiSport Card will be your faithful companion in these months and if you occasionally visit our website, blog or social networks, you’ll get a whole range of tips on how to feel better even in autumn.


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