Medical activities
A healthy lifestyle is not just about fitness and sculpted muscles. In order to have a good foundation that you can build on in other sports, focus first on the functionality of your body. As part of our health activities we can measure your muscles, fats or minerals in your body, arrange a blood vessel examination, a relaxing massage or guide you through the principles of good breathing to relieve stress.
What topics can we do

Compensatory Exercises

Healthy Back

Body Composition Measurement


Consultation with a Physiotherapist

Breast and Testicular Cancer Prevention Workshop


Personal Fitness Consultations

Healthy Breathing

The Dioptric Eye Examination

The Examination of Moles by a Dermatologist

Blood Pressure and Saturation Measurement

Adult Resuscitat

Emergency First Aid

Vascular Examination

Foot Diagnostics

Experiential First Aid

Taping Methods

Functional Hand/Foot

Measurement and Evaluation of the Body Composition by a Nutritional Therapist

Consultation with a Nutritional Therapist