Gymnázium Budějovická
Price: 349 CZK/month
With MultiSport you get:
- 4 free entries per month to a wide network of sports facilities
- 4 rides on Rekord or Nextbike per month
- Full access to the My MultiSport app
- Full-time student from 15 up to 26 years old
- Set CZ region in Google Play or App Store
How it works
Step 1: Register
- Register with your school email via - Supported email domains are: If you don’t see your school domain here, you can recommend it via the school recommendation form.
- Once done, we’ll send you an email with a link to activate your account.
Step 2: Card ordering and payment
- After the account activation, click the “Continue” button, which redirects you to the payment gateway.
- In the payment gateway, add your card, which we will verify by deducting 1 Czech crown.
- Done? Great! Once your verification payment is processed, you will learn the date from which your Multisport card is valid. The first payment is deducted immediately. The deduction of the automatic payment occurs from the 26th to the 28th day of the month. You can cancel the card always by the 25th of the month and for the following period, we will not deduct any further payments. You can cancel the card by the last day of the month for the upcoming month and we will fully refund the payment.
Step 3: Visit the sports facility
- Launch the My Multisport app
- Open the card
- You will be shown a dynamic QR code, which the sports facility reception will scan
- On the first visit and when changing the photo, it is necessary to prove your identity with an ID