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The difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy is currently 20 years for women. Preparing for retirement should not only be about having enough finances.

The difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy is currently 20 years for women. Preparing for retirement should not only be about having enough finances.

The sports activity of Czechs decreases with age. In the age groups 18-34, more than two-thirds consider themselves athletes, while in the 55-64 generation, only half do. With the increasing life expectancy, it is crucial to see sports as one of the main ingredients of prevention. The difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy is 20 years for women and more than 15 years for men. Middle-aged respondents cite lack of time as a barrier to a healthy lifestyle, while older generations face health limitations.

In the recent months, due to the pension reform, the topic of pensions has been widely discussed in the society, mainly from the perspective of the financial security. However, a financial reserve is not the only thing that should be part of preparing for the old age. The average life expectancy in the Czech Republic is currently 77 years for men and 83 years for women. Additionally, by the middle of this century, life expectancy is expected to increase by five years for men (to 82.2) and by four years for women (to 87.1).

Even though life expectancy for Czechs is increasing, it does not mean that all the additional years will be spent in good health. An important aspect is also the so-called healthy life expectancy, which is the age up to which a person is free from chronic diseases. Eurostat data show that the average healthy life expectancy in the Czech Republic is 62.6 years for women and 61.7 years for men.In translation, this means that women spend an average of the last 20 years of their lives with chronic illness. For men, it is more than 15 years. With increasing life expectancy and the retirement age, disease prevention is more important than ever,” explains Miroslav Rech, CEO of MultiSport Benefit, which operates the popular MultiSport Card. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), insufficient physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle are among the most serious health risks.

Sports activity is closer to younger generations. The proportion of athletes across the youngest generation from 18 years to the oldest generation steadily decreases. A slight increase can be observed in the oldest age group of 65-69 years. The most active are representatives of the 18-34 age groups, more than two-thirds of whom consider themselves athletes. This is according to the MultiSport Index survey, which has been conducted by the MultiSport Benefit in cooperation with NMS Market Research since 2019. “The least amount of time for sports is found by Czechs aged 55-64 years old, where only half of those consider themselves athletes. A bit better off are now mostly the retired generations aged 65 and older. Creating time for sports and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to healthy aging at any age,” comments Stanislav Radocha, NMS Market Research.

Regular exercise helps prevent non-communicable diseases and also acts as a prevention against overweight and obesity. It also contributes to a better mental health and overall quality of life.

The MultiSport survey also shows that different factors prevent different generations from living a healthy lifestyle. While for adults up to middle age, that is 44 years, the biggest barrier is lack of time, for the generation over 55, the most common obstacles are health limitations and physical constraints. Younger generations encounter financial costs and lack of willpower more often. “In order to maintain a healthy population, the support from the state and employers is crucial. As the survey shows, lack of time or the financial cost of sports and other elements of a healthy lifestyle are often the obstacles for the working Czech people. It is therefore important not only to motivate employees but also to make sports accessible to them. Whether through employee benefits or company sports events,” comments Miroslav Rech.

The motivation that leads Czechs to sport also differs between generations. The older they are, the more they include sport in their lives to feel good. Conversely, younger representatives are more motivated by the desire to look better or relieve stress through sport. Older generations also engage in sports more as a prevention of future diseases.


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