Mezi Čechy ubývá sportovců. Třetina jako překážku vnímá finanční náročnost
V české populaci výrazně klesl počet sportovců. Meziročně klesl o třetinu a vrátil se na úroveň covidového roku 2021. Přes třetinu Čechů necvičí dokonce ani jednou za měsíc…
V české populaci výrazně klesl počet sportovců. Meziročně klesl o třetinu a vrátil se na úroveň covidového roku 2021. Přes třetinu Čechů necvičí dokonce ani jednou za měsíc…
The sports activity of Czechs decreases with age. In the age groups 18-34, more than two-thirds consider themselves athletes, while in the 55-64 generation, only half do. With the increasing life…
Investment in sports activities had to be limited in some way by 53% of Czechs and higher prices for sports facilities deter two-thirds of them as shown by the MultiSport Index…
A total of 6 out of 10 Czechs are discouraged from regular workouts due to rising prices as shown by the MultiSport Index survey. The number of athletes who have encountered an increase in the cost…
Since the end of the pandemic, only a quarter of Czech children have started to move more, while another two-thirds have the same level of physical activity as before the…
On average, they invest 758 Czech crowns per month in sports. Almost a fifth of Czechs are dissatisfied with the availability of sports facilities in their area. Pools are most lacking for people in…